An der Mönchsrother Straße vor dem Nördlinger Tor finden maximal 15 Wohnmobile Platz. Ideal gelegen und ausgestattet mit Stromanschlüssen, Frischwasserentnahme und Entsorgungsmöglichkeiten ist der Stellplatz eine attraktive Alternative.
91550 Dinkelsbühl
Tel.: 09851/902440
Email: touristik.service@dinkelsbuehl.de
Stellplatzgebühren sind am Parkscheinautomaten vor Ort zu entrichten:
pro Stunde: 1,00 Euro
24 Stunden: 6,00 Euro
die maximale Standzeit beträgt 7 Tage: 42,00 Euro
Weitere Infos (extern)
The pitch
The place a private parking space
The place is suitable for long campers.
The place is suitable for long campers.
The place is suitable for wide campers.
You have up to0Neighbors in the same place.
You do not have w-lan on the court.
You have no light in the square.
You have shadows in the square.
Ver and Disposal
You have no electricity in the square.
You have no water in the square.
You can not dispose of gray water.
You can not dump garbage.
You must log in and log in to continue.
Just remember.
Note appointment now and without obligation..
Make an appointment without obligation and register (free of charge).